General Chemistry

Prof. Gábor Csonka




2010 Fall semester

First classes:                            8 September 
Last classes:                            9 December

Classes: 8:15-10:00  Tue and Wed, at CH/computer room

Holidays                                  15 Sepetmber - Sport

                                                18 November (Student's scientific meeting)

Examination period:                  19 December to 29 January (No exams between 23 December  and 1 January)

Exams: 22 Dec., 14, and 28 Jan., at 9:30 in the CH/I/7

Written part: 80 min. 3 questions arranged by topics # (1-6, 7-10, 11-13), max. 33 points each, max. total 99, minimum 15 points to pass from each questions.
better than 85%: excellent
75% - 84%: good
60% -74% : average
50%-59%: pass
below 33% no oral exam is possible, failed.

Oral part: 20 min.: reserved for students who obtained better than 33% from the previous written part and want to improve.




# Date Chapters on the web Summary Web resources
1 Sep. 8
Sep. 9
Sep. 10
Chapter 1: Matter-Its Properties and Measurement
Chapter 2: Atoms and the Atomic Theory
Chapter 3: Chemical Compounds
1. Matter
2. Atoms
3. Compounds
 Radioactive radiation
  Rutherford experiment - atomic nucleus
 Cathode ray (electron)   electronic, magnetic and electromagnetic 
Matter classification
The Segré chart  neutron number vs proton number.
a fully interactive Segré chart

NIST relative atomic masses of all isotopes and the standard atomic weights of the elements

IUPAC Definition of Atomic Mass
IUPAC Definition of Relative Atomic Mass
IUPAC Definition of Standard Atomic Weight
Further reading: atomic mass
Kotz Movies 2
Kotz Movies 3
2 Sep. 15 Sep. 16 Sep. 17 Chapter 4: Chemical Reactions
Chapter 5: Introduction to Reactions in Aqueous Solutions
Chapter 6: Gases

Chapter 8: The Atmospheric Gases and Hydrogen
4. Reactions
5. Reactions(aq)
6. Gases

Gas Laws
NaCl formation

Solution prep.
Kotz Movies 4
Kotz Movies 5
Kotz Movies 6
Kotz Movies 12: Gases
3 Sep. 22 Chapter 13: Liquids, Solids, and Intermolecular Forces 13. Lecture
videos: surface
cubic unit cell NaCl,
Phase Diagrams of Pure SubstancesTutorial
Table 11: melting points, boiling points, molar heat capacity, and phase change enthalpies
Kotz Movies 13: Liquids, Solids
Liquid crystals, Nobel Prize 1991
Liquid crystal monitors
4 Sep. 23 Chapter 14: Solutions and Their Physical Properties 14. Lecture Azeotrope, Further reading (Wikipedia)
Kotz Movies 14:
5 Sep. 30 Chapter 7: Thermochemistry 7. Lecture
Video: heat transfer
Thermochemistry, themodynamic data, Webbook
6 Oct. 1
Oct. 7
Chapter 20: Spontaneous Change: Entropy and Free Energy
Chapter 16: Principles of Chemical Equilibrium
20. Lecture
16. Lecture
Table 12:Standard molar enthalpies of formation and burning of inorganic compounds at STP
Table 13: Standard molar enthalpies of formation and burning of organic compounds at STP
Table 14: Standard Gibbs free energy values (kJ mol-1)
Kotz Movies 16: Chemical Equilibria
7 Oct.13
Chapter 17: Acids and Bases
Chapter 18: Additional Aspects of Acid-Base Equilibria
17. Lecture
18. Lecture
Table 15: Ionization equilibrium constants
8 Oct. 20
Chapter 19: Solubility and Complex Ion Equilibria 19. Lecture Table 16: Solubility products
9 Oct. 21
Chapter 21: Electrochemistry 21. Lecture
Video: Lithium, Sodium and Potassium reaction with water.
Table 18: Standard redoxi potentials
Standard reduction potentials - Wikibooks
10 Nov. 3
Nov. 4
Chapter 15: Chemical Kinetics 15. Lecture Kotz Movies 15: Chemical Kinetics
11 Nov.10

Chapter 9: Electrons in Atoms
Chapter 10: The Periodic Table and Some Atomic Properties
Black body radiation: iron
Light, color
H atom spectra , Bohr model
The Electronic Structure of Atoms:
Atomic orbitals
Ionization energy

Kotz Movies 7
Kotz Movies 8
12 Nov. 17
Nov. 24
Chapter 11: Chemical Bonding I: Basic Concepts Lecture
Van Arkel-Ketelaar Triangles of Bonding
Kotz Movies 9
13 Nov. 25
Dec. 1-9
Chapter 12: Chemical Bonding II: Additional Aspects
H2 covalent bonding
Methane sp3 hybrid, 3D animation

Bonding and antibonding MO electron densities
Ethylene: sigma, pi and both MOs
C=C rotation barrier
  • Color (rhodopsin)
  • Diamagnetic (N2) and paramagnetic (O2) molecules
  • Band theory Li.
  •  Semiconductors: Al doping in Si.
  • Molecular Orbitals for Homonuclear Diatomics
    Kotz Movies 10


    General Chemistry
    rinciples and Modern Applications
    Eighth Edition
    Ralph H. Petrucci
    California State University, San Bernadino
    William S. Harwood
    Indiana University, Bloomington
    F. Geoffrey Herring
    University of British Columbia

    Companion Website Author
    Narayan S. Hosmane
    Northern Illinois University

    Additional material: General Chemistry, by John W. Hill, Ralph H. Petrucci, published by Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, N.J. 07632, 1996, ISBN: 0135049113

    Hill Petrucci

    Lecture notes: Prof. Victor S. Batista (Yale)

    Book: Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity, 6th Edition; Kotz, Treichel, & Weaver: free samples of this book

    Related Nobel Prizes in chemistry:

    Related Nobel Prizes in physics: